Step 3-C: How to Install Anti-Virus Software In Your New Computer.

What is a Virus?

A computer virus is a program file that can replicate itself. They are spread from computer to computer via the Internet, emails, file downloads, computer disks and USB drives. They infect a computer without the user's permission and usually without the owner even being aware.
Viruses can take many different forms. While not technically viruses, computer worms and trojan horses are also problematic and are combatted with anti-virus software.
Viruses can cause many malevolent effects on your computer. Some of them can erase the contents of your hard drive, delete files or cause programs to stop working properly. Some of them cause unwanted programs to run on your computer or present pictures and videos on your screen. Some of them merely replicate themselves repeatedly and take up drive space and system resources.

Anti-Virus Software

Many companies have created software designed to prevent and remove viruses from your computer. They work by scanning the contents of your hard drive and any files you are downloading. During the scans they look for computer code that when cross-referenced with their databases of known viruses triggers an alert. If an alert is triggered the program can often remove or heal the virus.
Most anti-virus programs require you to purchase the software, then pay an on-going fee for access to the frequent updates to the database. Some of these programs are very intrusive, requiring heavy use of computer resources and can actually interfere with other programs and slow down your computer.

Recommended Anti-Virus Program

In my opinion the threat of viruses is real, but it is often overblown in an effort to market and sell anti-virus software. I recommend Grisoft's AVG Free Edition anti-virus program because it is unobtrusive and it is free of charge. I have been using it on all of my computers for years and I have been very pleased with it. It has caught and removed the few minor viruses my computers have contracted.

Download and Install AVG Anti-Virus

  1. Open an Internet Browser and go to
  2. In the left column click "Antivirus, Firewall and Spyware"
  3. Under the "Most Popular" heading click on "AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition"
  4. Click on "Download Now"
  5. Click on Save File
  6. When the download is finished open the file and follow the directions
To keep your computer protected from viruses be sure to run the program once a week or so. You can set the program to run automatically if you wish. The software should also prompt you to download updates frequently as well.
Now that you are safe from viruses you also need to protect your computer from malware.............

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