
This file explains how to use THELP.COM. THELP is a
memory-resident utility that provides online help for Turbo
Pascal and Turbo C. If you are using Turbo Debugger, for
example, you can load THELP, then run the debugger and get
online help for Pascal or C while you are debugging.

Table of Contents
1.  Starting THELP
2.  Command-line Options Summary
3.  Detailed Explanation of Keys Used When THELP is Active
4.  Detailed Explanation of Command line Options

1.  Starting THELP

Load THELP at the DOS command line simply by typing THELP.
Make sure the Turbo help file (TURBO.HLP for Turbo Pascal,
TCHELP.TCH for TURBO C) is in the current directory or use the /F
command line option described below.

Memory Usage   - THELP requires about 8K bytes (+ 32K swap file);
                 40K with no swapping.

Default hotkey - The default hotkey is Numeric-Keypad-5 (scan
                 code 4ch, shift state 00h).

Paste speed    - The default pasting speed is FAST. You'll have
                 to experiment if it pastes too quickly for your
                 editor. Note that you should turn off autoindent
                 in the integrated environment before using the
                 paste feature (Ctrl-Q I toggles autoindent).

If you are using SideKick Plus or SideKick 1.x, make sure you
load THELP before you load SideKick.

2. Command-line Options Summary

  USAGE:  THELP [options]

Here is a summary of the command line options. If you use more
than one option, they must be separated by spaces.

  /B        Use BIOS for video
  /C#xx     Select color: #=color number, xx=hex color value
  /Dname    Full path for disk swapping (implies /S1)
  /Fname    Full path and filename of help file
  /H,/?,?   Display this help screen
  /Kxxyy    Change hotkey: xx=shift state(hex),
            yy=scan code(hex)
  /Lxx      Force number of rows on screen: xx=25,43,50
  /M+,/M-   Display help text: on monochrome screen(+),
            on default screen(-)
  /Px       Pasting speed: 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast
  /R        Send options to resident THELP
  /Sx       Default Swapping Mode: 1=Use Disk, 2=Use EMS,
            3=No Swapping
  /U        Remove THELP from memory
  /W        Write Options to THELP.COM and exit

3. Detailed Explanation of Keys Used When THELP is Active

  Arrow keys:  Move the highlight from item to item within the
               current help screen.

  PgUp/PgDn:   Move from screen to screen if additional screens
               are available.

  ENTER:       Select help entry for the item highlighted in the
               current help screen.

  ESC:         End Help.

  F1:          Help Index. F1 from any help screen brings up
               the Help Index.

  ALT-F1:      Displays in reverse order the last 20 screens you
               have reviewed.

  CTL-F1:      Bring up help screen for THELP's hot keys.

  F key:       Select new help file. 'F' or 'f' brings up a
               window that allows you to change help files on
             the fly. Type in the complete path name of the
             new help file, and it will be read into memory
             and initialized to the help index of the new file.
               If the new file does not exist, or is in an
             invalid format, THELP will beep twice, and return
             you to the original file.

  J key:       Jump to specified help page number. 'J' or 'j'
               brings up a window that allows you to jump to any
               particular page (9999 max) in the help file. The
               only editing key permitted in this window is
               BackSpace. ESC aborts, CR (or four digits)

  K key:       Search help file for specified keyword. 'K' or 'k'
               brings up a window in which you can enter a
               keyword (40 characters max), and have THELP search
               the help file for a match. If there is no matching
               keyword in the current help file, THELP will beep
               twice and return you to the original help screen.

  I key:       Paste highlighted keyword into application. 'I' or
               'i' inserts the current highlighted keyword into
               the keyboard buffer, and immediately pops down.

  P key:       Paste entire help screen into application. 'P' or
               'p' inserts the entire current help page (as it
               appears in the help window) into the current
               application, and then immediately pops down.
               Pasting can be interrupted with ^C or ^Break.

  S Key:       Save help screen to disk file (THELP.SAV). 'S' or
               's' from any help screen saves the current help
               page to the disk file THELP.SAV, in the current
               directory. If the file already exists, the new
               help information is appended to the end.

  <Hotkey Combo>
               Pressing the hotkey combination when using THELP
               on a second monitor ends this session of the
               resident help, but leaves the current help screen
               on the monochrome monitor.

4.  Detailed Explanation of Command-line Options

/B       -- Use BIOS for video

This option forces THELP to use Interrupt 10h BIOS video calls
for all writing to/reading from the video display. Normally, THELP
will write directly to video RAM. Note that the use of this
option negates the effect of the /M switch described below; the
alternate monitor may not be used if /B is in effect. This option
is enabled with '/B+', and disabled with '/B-' (enable is the

/C#xx     Select color: #=color number, xx=hex color value

There are eight possible colors, described as follows:

  1 = Color Normal Text
  2 = Monochrome Normal Text
  3 = Color Possible reference pages; top/bottom description line
  4 = Monochrome Possible reference pages; top/bottom description line
  5 = Color Border Color
  6 = Monochrome Border Color
  7 = Color Current Reference Selection
  8 = Monochrome Current Reference Selection

Any or all of these eight colors may be specified on the command

The color numbers for a standard IBM-compatible Color Display are
as follows:

First Digit (Background)              Second Digit (Foreground)

0 -- Black                            0 -- Black
1 -- Blue                             1 -- Blue
2 -- Green                            2 -- Green
3 -- Cyan                             3 -- Cyan
4 -- Red                              4 -- Red
5 -- Magenta                          5 -- Magenta
6 -- Brown                            6 -- Brown
7 -- Grey                             7 -- Grey
                                      8 -- Intense Black
 ORing the color value with           9 -- Intense Blue
 Hex 80 produces a blinking           A -- Intense Green
 color unless blinking has been       B -- Intense Cyan
 disabled.                            C -- Intense Red
                                      D -- Intense Magenta
                                      E -- Intense Brown (Yellow)
                                      F -- Intense Grey (White)

On Monochrome monitors, the attribute values can differ widely,
so some experimentation would be needed. Note that the monochrome
attributes are used in only two cases; when the current video
mode is 7, or when force mono is used (see the /M option)

/Dname   -- Full path for disk swapping (implies /S1)

This option is used to override where THELP will place its swap
files when swapping to disk. A full path should be specified,
but a trailing '\' is not necessary. If no /D option is
specified, under DOS 3.x swap files are placed in the directory
where THELP.COM resides. Under DOS 2.x, swap files are placed by
default in C:\.

Using this option also sets the flag that forces disk swapping
instead of checking first for EMS.

/Fname   -- Full path and filename of help file

The name that follows the /F option should be the full
drive/directory pathname of the help file to use; e.g.,


By default, THELP looks for the help file on the logged drive and

/H,/?,?  -- Display help screen

This option displays a summary of THELP's command-line options

/Kxxyy   -- Change hotkey: xx=shift state, yy=scan code

Virtually any shift state/scan code combination may be selected.
A quick summary of some common shift-states and scan codes

  Shift States (may be OR'ed together)

    right shift    01h
    left shift     02h
    control        04h
    alt            08h

  Scan Codes

    A   --- 1eh     N   --- 31h     0   --- 0bh     F1  --- 3bh
    B   --- 30h     O   --- 18h     1   --- 02h     F2  --- 3ch
    C   --- 2eh     P   --- 19h     2   --- 03h     F3  --- 3dh
    D   --- 20h     Q   --- 10h     3   --- 04h     F4  --- 3eh
    E   --- 12h     R   --- 13h     4   --- 05h     F5  --- 3fh
    F   --- 21h     S   --- 1fh     5   --- 06h     F6  --- 40h
    G   --- 22h     T   --- 14h     6   --- 07h     F7  --- 41h
    H   --- 23h     U   --- 16h     7   --- 08h     F8  --- 42h
    I   --- 17h     V   --- 2fh     8   --- 09h     F9  --- 43h
    J   --- 24h     W   --- 11h     9   --- 0ah     F10 --- 44h
    K   --- 25h     X   --- 2dh
    L   --- 26h     Y   --- 15h
    M   --- 32h     Z   --- 2ch

  Enhanced Keyboards only (may not work with all computers,

    F11 --- 57h
    F12 --- 58h

/Lxx     -- Force number of rows on screen: xx=25,43,50

Some video adapters do not correctly store the number of video
rows on the screen in the BIOS data location specified for the
IBM-PC. This option forces THELP to use the given value, rather
than the number the BIOS reports.

/M+,/M-  -- Display help text: on monochrome screen(+),
            on default screen(-)

For users with dual-monitor systems, this option may be used to
instruct THELP to bring up its display on the monochrome monitor,
rather than on the color monitor. This option is enabled with
'/M+', and disabled with '/M-' (enable is the default). Note that
/M is incompatible with /B (see above).

/Px      -- Pasting speed: 0=slow, 1=medium, 2=fast

Some editors do not accept characters pasted into the keyboard
buffer as fast as THELP can put them there. By setting an
appropriate paste speed, virtually all possible configurations of
editors may be used. FAST speed pastes as many characters as will
fit on every timer tick; MEDIUM pastes up to four characters per
tick; and SLOW pastes a single character into the buffer ONLY
when the buffer is empty.

/R       -- Send options to resident THELP

The /R option is used to pass parameters (like new colors, or new
hotkeys) to the resident portion of THELP. All THELP command line
options may be sent to the resident portion except for the
swapping mode, which cannot be modified once THELP has been

In combination with these options, you can create a batch file
that changes THELP's configuration as you change editors; i.e.:

    Use mono monitor, slow pasting, and the Turbo Pascal help
    file. Options are not saved to disk.

    Use default monitor, fast pasting, and the Turbo C help file.
    Options are not saved to disk.

/Sx      -- Default Swapping Mode: 1=Use Disk, 2=Use EMS,
            3=No Swapping

If no '/S' parameter is used, THELP first tests to see if
Expanded Memory is available in the system. If so, and if enough
memory can be allocated, swapping is done to EMS. If EMS is not
available, disk swapping is used. See the /D parameter for
information on where the swap file will be written if disk
swapping is used.

/U       -- Remove THELP from memory

This option is used to remove THELP from memory. If other TSRs
have been loaded after THELP, make sure to remove them before
removing THELP.

/W       -- Write Options to THELP.COM and exit

The /W parameter is used to create a new version of THELP that
uses the options you desire as a default. All options, including
/S (but not /R) may be specified and made 'permanent'.

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