Cisco Clean Access Agent

To protect student computers, and ultimately the network we all share, 
ResNet has implemented the Cisco Clean Access network security 
system in all residence halls. The main features of this system include 
user authentication, vulnerability assessment and remediation. In other 
words, the system requires students to log in and checks the PC for 
computer viruses and other vulnerabilities before granting full network access.
The first time you open your internet browser and attempt to go to a website, you will be redirected to the Clean Access login page. Click Yes to the Security Alert to accept the connection.
Enter your ECSU Username and Password. If you forget your username, click the GetName link and enter your ID number from your ECSU photo ID.
Click Continue.
The first time you access the network, your will need to download and install the Clean Access Agent. Click Download Clean Access Agent
Click Yes to the Security Alert
Click Open to begin the Clean Access Agent install.
If prompted with a Security Warning, Click Run.
At the Agent Setup Screen, click Next.
Click Next to accept the default folder location.
Click Install, and then click Finish to complete the installation.
After the Agent is installed, you're prompted for your User Name and Password. Use your ECSU Username and Password.
Click Login.
Click Yes to accept the connection
If your machine doesn't currently meet the security requirements, you're granted Temporary Access , which is restricted to limited sites allowing you to correct the issue. Click Continue.
Otherwise, you'll see a Success screen and be granted full network access!
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